A to Z of Railway Preservation #1 A to C

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Railways of Britain
The A to Z of Railway Preservation Series
Issue 1 - A to C


Railways of Britain
The A to Z of Railway Preservation Series
Issue 1 - A to C

Currently Out of Stock

Welcome to this exploration of Britain’s rich world of railway preservation – I hope you enjoy reading the contents of these pages as much as I have enjoyed putting them together.

There have been numerous A to Z style listings of preserved railways published before, but usually in one concise volume and of necessity are a whistle stop guide with only a small amount of space given to each venue. In The A to Z of Railway Preservation we are able to go a bit deeper, to find out more about each railway or museum, and discover what there is to see and do there, how they got where they are today and what their future plans hold.

This collection of features isn’t just about heritage railways though. Interlaced with the preserved railways are mini features on individual locomotives, locomotive and carriage builders and designers, engineers and other interesting railway-related items.

Although I have attempted to cover every preserved railway and museum, I don’t claim the rest of the information to be comprehensive – space simply wouldn’t permit. I have chosen the highest profile or historically more significant locomotives for individual features, the others given coverage at some point as appropriate. I also haven’t included the main locomotive works of the Big Four and constituent companies, for the reason that each is covered when their key CME’s are discussed.

The A to Z of Railway Preservation is a celebration of British Railway Preservation, packed with what I believe are interesting and informative articles that will entertain both the learned railway enthusiast and those with just a passing interest, in equal measures.

Paul Appleton,
