We take a look at one of the most impressive Renault Range T Highs you’ll see. Pip gets the first test drive of a right-hand-drive DAF XD450 FT, of course he drives it to Holland. We look at a company using Kenworth trucks to deliver beer and wine around Miami, Florida. We also visit Dennis Eagle to see how they are taking refuse collection trucks to the next level with their 100% electric drive trains. Finally a test of insulated flasks and mugs, because no-one wants to drink cold tea!
We take a look at one of the most impressive Renault Range T Highs you’ll see. Pip gets the first test drive of a right-hand-drive DAF XD450 FT, of course he drives it to Holland. We look at a company using Kenworth trucks to deliver beer and wine around Miami, Florida. We also visit Dennis Eagle to see how they are taking refuse collection truc....