Black Friday and Christmas Pricing - Why we cannot offer these special prices for renewing subscribers
This time of year is an essential time for all publishers as it provides the greatest opportunity to increase our readership. Not only do we attract many new direct subscribers, magazine subscriptions are becoming an increasingly popular gift and we need to attract these customers to purchase subscriptions for their friends and family.

As with retail promotions that we find in our day to day shopping many of these make very little or even no profit. This marketing approach is called a 'loss leader' and is widely used to attract customers to the particular retail outlet. These, as their name suggests, actually lose money but the retailer hopes that either the customer buys more goods or increases their loyalty to the store so that they return in the future.
This is a similar approach we have for our special offer prices. For most of our titles we make very little profit and even for some of our more expensive magazines, once all our costs are taken into consideration, we make no actual profit from the sale. Fortunately our products are loved by thousands and our experience shows that readers are more than happy to pay a more reasonable price for their second term. This will therefore return some money to us to be able to invest in the magazine and ensure it will be around for many years to come.

We hope this provides some clarity. If you have further questions on this then our Head of Audience Development would be glad to hear and answer your queries. Please email Andy Cotton on